Law Enforcement Tactical Medicine Courses
The Street Medicine courses have been developed specifically for Law Enforcement personnel. Based on TCCC the focus is on the first responder level skills that can be provided by any first responder. This course has been delivered across the United States and has created more than 250 trained law enforcement tactical medicine instructors.
Street Medicine Instructor Course is for the law enforcement officer. This 3-day course provides the training necessary to effectively teach tactical medicine at the first responder level.
Street Medicine Course is the one day provider level course for all law enforcement officers.
Several versions of Tactical Medicine training is available for the Law Enforcement Officer.
Street Medicine Course is for the Law Enforcement Officer and other first responders.
TECC is for the EMT/Paramedic and provides skills training within that scope of practice.
The Street Medicine Instructor Course – Train the Trainer is for the Sworn Law Enforcement Instructor or Officer. It provides the training necessary to effectively teach tactical medicine skills at the first responder level.
Why Take This Course
The Street Medicine Instructor Course provides law enforcement instructors the knowledge and ability to teach TEMS within their department. Violence in our society is on the rise and the streets have proven to be a dangerous place. Serving warrants, active shooter, terrorist events and even routine traffic stops have potential for casualties. Many of the first responder programs fail to address this very real potential. TEMS gives the law enforcment officer the edge in preventing LODD.
Tactical medicine courses have traditionally been for combat medics and civilian paramedics. Similar to military combat lifesaver courses this TEMS program trains non-medical law enforcement personnel to provide tactical medical care. It offers ALL law enforcment officers the training and skill to be effective medical force multipliers.
This Instructor Development Course is for any law enforcement officer. It provides the foundation to be an effective instructor to teach the fundamental TEMS skills. These skills are necessary to provide immediate life saving measures in a tactical situation, active shooter, officer down, or anywhere the officer may be first on scene. These are the same skills that are taught to military personnel in the TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) Course and EMT/Paramedics in the TECC (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care) Course.
What You Will Learn
This course is a Train the Trainer Program for sworn law enforcement officers and instructors.
Based on TCCC concepts this course provides the non-medical first responder the skills necessary to provide critical life saving intervention until EMS arrives. The student will complete a tactical medicine course integrated with instructor development training. This course builds upon the fundamentals of emergency trauma care and introduces the latest concepts in emergency treatment. Upon successful completion the instructor will have the knowledge to provide tactical medicine training to other law enforcement personnel within their agency or department.
Topics include: Advanced airway management, hemorrhage control including combat gauze and tourniquets, and recognition/treatment of shock. The instructor candidate will learn instructional techniques to maximize student learning, learn to present skill building sessions and scenarios, and lead fellow students through learning exercises and skill stations.
Training provided in this course is beneficial to all law enforcement personnel involved in community policing, responding to Active Shooter situations, school resource officers, firearms instructors, and other high risk situations.
Attend this course at our Tampa location or host at your agency. Contact our training department for hosting information.
Why Take This Course
Street Medicine Course teaches public safety first responders including police, other law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders the basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured responder’s life until EMS practitioners can safely enter a tactical scene. It combines the principles of PHTLS and TCCC, and meets the recommendations of the Hartford Consensus document and TECC guidelines.
This course is for any law enforcement officer. It teaches the fundamental skills necessary to provide immediate life saving measures in a tactical situation, active shooter, officer down, or anywhere the officer may be first on scene. These are the same skills that are taught to military personnel in the TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) Course and EMT/Paramedics in the TECC (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care) Course. Instructors are experienced TCCC Instructors and Paramedics.
What You Will Learn
Course participants will learn life-saving medical actions such as bleeding control with a tourniquet, bleeding control with gauze packs or topical hemostatic agents, and opening an airway to allow a casualty to breathe.
Upon completion of the course participants will:
- Understand the rationale for immediate steps for hemorrhage control (including external hemorrhage control, direct pressure and wound packing, early use of tourniquet for severe hemorrhage, internal hemorrhage control by rapid evacuation, and transportation to major hospital/trauma center.
- Demonstrate the appropriate application of a tourniquet to the arm and leg.
- Describe the progressive strategy for controlling hemorrhage.
- Describe appropriate airway control techniques and devices.
- Demonstrate the correct application of a topical hemostatic dressing (combat gauze).
- Recognize the tactically relevant indicators of shock.
Why Take This Course
This two day course is designed for the Range Safety Officer and Law Enforcement Instructor providing High Liability Training such as firearms and defensive tactics. The objective of the course is to provide realistic medical training beyond the basic first aid level. The RMO will be able to manage medical emergencies until advanced level medical care is available.
Topics Include:
- Oxygen Therapy
- Advanced Airway Management
- Penetrating Injuries
- Blunt Trauma
- Environmental Emergencies
- Splinting and Stabilizing Fractures
- Evacuation Procedures / Drags and Carries
- Medical Equipment / Range Bags
- Practical Scenarios
- Emergency Action Plans
Duration: 2 Day
Tuition: $200
Why Take This Course
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Developed by NAEMT’s Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) Committee, the TECC program is based on the guidelines from the Committee on Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (Co-TECC) and the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) program. TECC uses lessons learned from our military and applies them to the civilian world of tactical medicine.
This 16-hour course covers topics designed to decrease preventable death in the tactical situation. Topics include: Hemorrhage control; surgical airway control and needle decompression; strategies for treating wounded responders in threatening environments; caring for pediatric patients; and techniques for dragging and carrying victims to safety.
At the core of the TECC program are three distinct phases that have been well-proven by TCCC-trained personnel in the war against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. The phases are as follows:
- Direct Threat Care
Care that is rendered while under attack or in adverse conditions.
- Indirect Threat Care
Care that is rendered while the threat has been suppressed, but may resurface at any point.
- Evacuation
Care that is rendered while the casualty is being evacuated from the incident site.
TECC focuses on the medicine during these phases of care and provides guidelines for managing trauma in the civilian tactical or hazardous environment. While TECC has a tactical slant, it takes an all-hazards approach to providing care outside the normal operating conditions of most EMS agencies, such as responding to a mass casualty or active shooter event.
Attend this course at our Tampa location or host at your agency. Contact our training department for hosting information.